Plant protection products, news regarding the stock disposal

News for the disposal methods of inventory stocks of phytosanitary products laid down by the ministerial decree contained in the note of 7th September, 2010, which provided directions for disposal of withdrawn plant protection products.

In particular, concessions for marketing by the MAH and the sale by retailers and/or distributors passes from 8 to 6 months while those granted for use by end users remain at 12  months. The technical document prepared by the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety and Nutrition on 7th September, 2010 aims to provide clear guidance regarding the proper management of existing stocks of plant protection products. The disposal applies to batches of plant protection products showing a date of preparation immediately preceding that of the revocation order or a possible provision for modification of the authorization conditions: these batches can be transferred to the warehouse for their disposal to be carried out in proper time.


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