Cosmetics, internal market reduced but exportations increase

The new sale data on cosmetic products in Italy are encouraging. On one side, the internal demand is slightly reduced, with sale proceeds decreasing of 1% compared to 2013 (also 2013 showed negative figures). On the other, the global proceeds of Italian cosmetic industry keep growing. As in 2013, also 2014 is expected to close with more than 10% increase in profits. The margin is all to be attributed to exports, that transformed cosmetics into one of the essential products of the so called “made in Italy”. Main destinations of the Italian products are the Western European countries, absorbing almost 50% of exports, followed by Eastern Europe countries, Asiatic markets, and United States. Italy is currently the fifth world cosmetic manufacturer. As far as the internal market is concerned, the slight decrease due to the crisis was well contained through the diversification of the sale channels: not only retail shops, but also online purchases and door-to-door sales, in order to meet the needs of savings against quality. The boost in sales through new channels is matched to reduced sales by the traditional retail perfumeries, while the turnover of specialized chains is increasing. Also cosmetic sales by herbalists, pharmacies and single-brand stores are increasing.

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